Windows XP

Windows XP support!

Just for fun, I spent an hour getting the game to work on Windows XP. Still, the device I tested the XP version on performed quite solid 60 fps almost all the time. Linux 32-bit testing was still way harder/longer with worse results (30 - 40 fps) since it was an even weaker device. Luckily compiling for Windows XP can be done on a more modern machine compared to compiling for 32-bit Linux. This version also has the MSVC redistributable with it since the latest version isn't supported by Windows XP anymore.

How to compile SFML for Windows XP?

In my case, I use CMake, SFML 2.6.1, and Visual Studio 2019 so I only had to download the specific Windows XP files from the VS installer, create a new folder, and compile from the command line! I had some mismatches between debug and release modes (since I'm a dum dum) but after fixing it (and finding an MSVC redistributable package for Windows XP) it works out of the box.


v.1.0.0 XP 16 MB
Dec 18, 2023

Get Chain Reaction 2

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